
Friday, September 5, 2014

My blog has been awarded!

Sofia over at Star-Spangled Sisu has presented me with the 

Thanks Sofia! She has given me a short list of questions she would like me to answer about myself, so here goes:

1. What's your favorite school subject?
You know, there are so many factors that go into this question, while I was in school I think I'd have to go with English-type classes. Reading...writing...just no vocab quizzes please, and seriously, not every book has some secret, hidden agenda!
2. Where would be your dream place to live? must include water. Preferably a natural source. And sunshine. And finally, I'd want a view (anyplace with natural water, you've pretty much got your view, guaranteed). Someplace that makes my heart sing. I have imagined living on a house boat. Yes, I probably totally romanticize it, plus houseboats don't really ever just float down the river with no actual home these days, which is what is always a part of this fantasy. Somewhere near the ocean sounds amazing, but I know I'd miss the snow; building snow sculptures and snow angels and skating and hot chocolate afterwards. Plus I'd miss the fall; the rainbow of golds and the brilliant reds that splash out against the browns and greens of the leaves and the briskness of the air that makes you feel alive and awake. And what about spring? The tiny, delicate, you-nearly-miss-it splash of color as the flowers come back. So....where can I live that has water, sunshine, seasons, and a view? The only place I know, a lake in MN. Find me that lake house (that I can afford) and I'm back in a heartbeat. So long, dear husband. ;)

©Jenae Karvonen

3. What have you read lately?
 Aside from starting and finishing the book that had been waiting on my nightstand in my previous post(LEFT neglected by Lisa Genova, a slow start, but totally worth it)? The comics from the Sunday paper (yes, I know it is Friday already), a pile of children's books my daughter and I just brought home from the library, and a couple blogs I was nosing into by following the awards nominations backwards :) But, I just picked up, TODAY, a book I have been looking forward to reading for a long time now-Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis with Beth Clark and can't wait to get started!

4. What do you wish was for supper today?
Whatever it is, I wish I didn't have to worry about how it would affect my nursing baby, or my own personal health goals. Perhaps huge plate of taco salad loaded with guacamole, and spicy salsa, and CHEESE, with a small sprinkling of olives and Doritos. Cooked, created, and delivered to me by someone else, of course. ;)

5. Make a 5 word sentence that describes your day.
Full of two little girls.

6. Cheese, cake, or cheesecake?
AHHHH, CHEESECAKE!  Can I add cheesecake onto my dream supper for desert?? Please?

7. Name a favorite fictional character and why they're your favorite.
Wow, you obviously do not know how many fictional characters I have fallen in love with-just from books! One of the first to come to mind is Anne Shirley (From Anne of Green Gables) because she is so enthusiastic and funny and bubbly-honestly, how could you not love her??  I also love Jo March from Little Woman who is feisty, but oh so lovable. And Polly from The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. And Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games because he just has such a gentle heart. Plus Ramona Quimby (featured in Ramona Quimby, Age 8)and Junie B. Jones (From the series by Barbara Park) and Madeline (From Ludwig Bemelmans' books). I could go on and on....maybe it will have to be a post someday :)

8. Why did you start your blog?
For this question I will simply refer you to the first paragraphs of my first post here: Another Giant Leap: I have been wanting to start a blog for a long time now...for so long, in fact, that this first post just may be quite lengthy! I'm not sure what originally started my longing to create a blog, perhaps it was my desire for an outlet. I am a stay at home mom to a very special and unique two-year-old bundle of energy in an area where I have zero family. When we first moved here, I also knew a total of zero other people, and I hold anxieties about leaving my dear adorable daughter with anyone, really, but especially with those I don't know intimately (as family or close, long-time friends) and trust explicitly. I'll write more about that in another post. So, essentially, I need an outlet because I spend all my time with my daughter, and don't take much of a break for myself. No babysitters, no daycares, no preschool, no date nights, just a few hours here and there when I leave her behind with my hubby, or she is sleeping /taking much needed time alone.
Anyways, the itch was there, and when my super-creative and talented-writer sister created a few blogs, here and here, as part of a school class, my desire only increased. I longed to write my own meaningful posts, to create my own meaningful discussions (hint, hint: I really would love audience participation here! Go ahead, challenge my thinking!), and its been moving farther and farther to the front of my mind, day by day, until here I am now!

And finally, 9 facts about myself:
1. I used to think the world actually worked the way it did in books. For example I really thought that if I still slept with my doll and told my friends at age seven, in the end everyone would understand and we'd all be better people.
2. I like to color. In coloring books. With Crayons.
3. If I didn't use my computer as a major source to connect with my current far-away family and friends, I think I would get rid of it until my kiddos started school at least because I think it would be better for building the relationships in my own little family, and for my mental health, too.
4. I want to hang my own photographs on my walls, I guess I'm kinda conceited :)
5. I still want to own some My Little Pony's.
6. I love books! Well known, but who cares?
7. I often prefer to sit in the sun, even on hot days.
8. I really like energetic people. I sometimes go through the drive through at Starbucks just to talk to the bubbly barista. I always drive away with a smile on my face.
9. I wish I could go back to high school. Not that I want to be 18 again or anything, but I like that atmosphere of learning and I don't think it would be quite the same with college classes.

And my

goes out to Meriel from Create3.5 who has a surprisingly interesting blog considering I have no idea how to sew.
And Sofia from Understanding Me for THIS amazing post! I have seldom seen it described this well!

Please answer the following questions, then follow by nominating two other "new" bloggers (less than 200 followers, however you would find that out)! Have fun!

1.What's a random word you like and how would you define it?
2. How did you come up with the title for your blog?
3. How has your day gone, no, really, how are you actually feeling today?
4. What is your favorite quote, and who is it by?
5. What is your favorite blog post you have written and why? 
6.How many blogs do you follow?
7. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
8. There is a box. Right there. You just found it. Whats inside?
and 9 random facts about yourself, ready, set go!

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